The Hunting of the Snark

The mad crew of a ship are on their way in the middle of the ocean, somewhere – nowhere, hunting the Snark, a creature that nobody knows but that everyone wants to own in spite of being scared of it.
Lewis Carrolls nonsense-epos The Hunting of the Snark was the model for this surreal, sparkling libretto, which Michael Ende wrote for the restricted stage of the Munich Prinzregententheater. Chased in Victorian style, funny, dramatic, wonderful and always wise: No wonder that this fun opera is a true delight for all friends of the English way of humorous word plays.

Theatre Rights

  • First published in: 1988
  • Theatre rights:
    Verlag für Kindertheater
    Max-Brauer-Allee 34
    22765 Hamburg
    Tel.: 040 / 60 79 09 916
    Fax: 040 / 60 79 09 51
    Ansprechpartnerin für Aufführungsgenehmigungen: Juliane Lachenmayer


16 January 1988, Prinzregententheater Munich. Director: Friedrich Meyer-Oertel, Conductor: Tristan Schick. Music by Wilfried Hiller.